Wigan Borough Environment & Heritage Network

Meeting minutes

10.30 a.m. 12th April 2021 over Zoom

Joe Taylor (JT) Billinge Historic Society
Peter Taylor (PT) Wigan Civic Trust
Adrian D’Arcy (AD) CRESS Eco Architecture
Julie Hotchkiss (JH) Extinction Rebellion, Wigan
Kerrell Walley (KW) Wigan Council Climate Change Manager
Neil Forshaw (NF) George Formby Society
Paul Costella (PC) Leigh Film Society
Adrian D’Arcy (AD) CRESS Eco Architecture
Tony Bishop (TB) Leigh Ornithological Society
Julie Clarke (JC) Wigan Council Communities Officer
Glenys McClellan (GM) Leigh Family History Society

Apologies for absence:
Avis Freeman (AV) Leigh Soroptimists
Linda Graham (LG) Lowton West Residents/The Voice Lowton & Golborne

Minutes for the last meeting: approved as correct

Matters arising: none

Kerrell Walley (Climate Change Manager, Wigan Council)

The past month has included a lot of strategic planning with regards to community engagement and education on climate change

Several events will be planned this year including an event marking the declaration of the climate emergency in summer and also a second large event ahead of the COP26 climate negotiations in November

Our Environmental Education Officer’s recently visited Spinner’s Mill in Leigh and were introduced to the many developing environmental-based ideas proposed – we will discuss any opportunity for collaboration at the next Naturalising the Borough meeting internally

Julie Clarke (Communities Officer, Wigan Council)
Community Recovery Fund

The Community Investment Fund has been replaced with the Community Recovery Fund this year – a £2 million pot aimed at helping VCSE groups get back on their feet after a very disruptive 12 months. Applications are now open and funding is available for Community organisations based in Wigan Borough, particularly small community based local groups, that encourage community spirit, engage volunteers and who need some financial support so that they can continue to work with their communities.

Funding is available for up to £500 and more details are available on the Deal for Communities Website

Please contact me if you have any issues in completing the application – the turnaround will be quick I am told

Wigan Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Survey

In February last year we started a conversation with voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations at our VCSE summit as part of Wigan’s Deal 2030 strategy.  The aim was to understand how we could collaborate and work together and for the benefit of our residents.  As we all begin to move out of lockdown and are able to start delivering services again, it is important for us to restart that conversation with you. We intend to use the findings of this survey to understand how we can work with you to build back better and strengthen partnerships throughout the VCSE.

We would appreciate your participation of the survey

Sustainable Food Network

There is still a lot of work around supporting the Sustainable Food Network with The Bridge on the Leigh side of the borough and Fur Clemt in Wigan to act as food distribution hubs for local pantries or food outlets. There are over 20 across the borough at present – some only open for a few hours a week – but all supporting access to affordable food and committed to reducing food waste. If anyone wants further details then please contact me

Flood Action Group

A new flood action group has developed in Worsley Hall – the Sherwood Drive Flood Action group which set up late last year following surface water flooding affecting over 20 properties in August. We are working with local residents and the Flood Hub to create a resilience plan  - they are happy to support any other new groups in the borough if needed

Julie Hotchkiss (Extinction Rebellion, Wigan)

Julie is stepping down from this role as she will be leaving the area soon.

Adrian D’Ary (CRESS Eco Architecture)

Adrian reported that he had had meetings with Joe Platt and Peter Rawlinson at the Leigh Spinners about applying for Lottery Funding for Climate Change projects. The bid included a suggestion that Wigan should become a centre for UK experts to show how Wigan is dealing with Climate Change.

Paul Costella (Leigh Film Society & Tyldesley)

Paul reported that the Tyldesley High Street project was moving forward and that he was also involved with other organisations trying to organise a Cinema.

Neil Forshaw (George Formby Society)

Neil reported that despite not being able to hold meetings or an AGM, the Society had kept in touch with one another by holding a trash meeting every night for twelve months. This year marks 60 years since George Formby died and it had been hoped to hold celebrations but these are not possible at the moment due to the pandemic restrictions. It is also 100 years since George first performed at Earlestown.

Glenys McCellan (Leigh Family History Society)

Glenys reported that despite the Archives being closed, there was lots of work being done by volunteers at their homes. When the Archives do re-open the volunteers will be retrained and the Leigh Family History Society will be opening their Help Desk again.

Peter Taylor (Wigan Civic Trust)

Peter continues to send out a monthly newsletter to members and will be holding a Committee Meeting later in the day.

Tony Bishop (Leigh Ornithological Society)

Tony reported on the future of the Natural Reserve covering the Borough from Scotsman Flash through to Pennington Flash. A Public Consultation is vital. He referred to the report previously circulated by Paul Richardson, Conservation Officer for Leigh Ornithological Society and hoped that his work would continue by others as he is leaving the area soon.

Tony also mentioned that the Linford Park will be having a wildflower meadow and had received funding from the Brighter Borough Fund via the local Councillors.

Date of Next Meeting: 10th May 2021 at 10.30 a.m. by Zoom.