Wigan Borough Environment & Heritage Network

Meeting minutes

10.30 am December 7 2020 via Zoom

Present (Welcome & Introductions): Joe Taylor (JT), Billinge Historic Society, (Chair)
Peter Taylor (PT), Wigan Civic Trust
Lydia Helsby (LH), Wigan Civic Trust
Kerrell Walley (KW) Climate Change Programme Manager, Wigan Council
Adrian D’Arcy (AD) CRESS
Tony Bishop (TB), Leigh Ornithological Society
Alex Miller - Archive Service Wigan Council
Lucy Northey - Clean Air Wigan Council

Apologies: Julie Clarke, Communities (JC), Wigan Council
Paul Costello (PC) Leigh Film Society
Glenys McClellan (GM), Leigh Family History Society
Neil Forshaw NF ( George Formby Society)
Julie Hotchkiss (JH), Extinction Rebellion, Wigan
Avis Freeman (AF) Leigh Soroptomists
Richard MacDonald (RM) Wigan MBC)

Minutes of last meeting: approved, proposed by Joe seconded by Adrian

Matters arising: none

Mentions: Avis Freeman (AF) Leigh Soroptomists Wished everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year.

Agenda Items

Kerrell Walley (KW) Climate Change Programme Manager, Wigan Council

Went through this year and how want to work more with schools like 12 apostles Leigh to plant trees. As Covid19 is now more under control therefore can now show how to deliver projects and create action plans.

Tony Bishop expressed desire for the group to assist in the delivery of education to school across the schools

Lucy Northey - Air quality officer, introduced herself and explained how she will be putting in the action plan and driving air quality. Looking at the outcomes of the clean air push for 2022. Government banning diesel to go ahead. Links for information. https://cleanairgm.com/data-hub/monitoring-reports/

Peter asked about pollution from new builds planned within the borough and how they are mitigated.

Section 106 funding cant be mitigated but can be potentially used.

Joe praised the Council on how they are pushing initiatives for clean air and environmental schemes within the borough in comparison to other areas.

Alex Miller - Archive Service Wigan Council updated on Leigh town Hall 1.3 m to create a museum and archive all due to hand back end of December. Opening on 01 April 2021. 30k boxes to go back in exhibits to be installed, 2 new project officers, Jilly & Rosy, leading on outreach programme activities. Encouraging more people to get involved and recruit volunteers.

Cafe space being tendered out. window display for future of area could be used within archive to promote community group initiatives and ideas e.g. climate change.

Tony Bishop. Talked about how the society installed owl box at Haigh Hall and they offer this service throughout the borough for OWLS BATS ROBINS.

Peter Taylor, Wigan civic trust, Talked about Windy Harbour.

Joe asked Peter to send him their newsletter and he will email out to everyone in group.

Next Meeting: 4th January 2021 10.30AM