Wigan Borough Environment & Heritage Network

Meeting minutes

10.30 am May 4th 2020 online via Zoom

Present: Neil Forshaw (George Formby Society), Joe Taylor (Billinge History Society), David Shallcross (Leigh Ornithllogical Society), Jim Meehan (Friends of Standish Recreational Ground), Bill Aldridge (Wigan Archaeological Society), Peter Taylor (Civic Trust), Richard MacDonald (Wigan MBC), Julie Hotchkiss (Extinction Rebellion), Adrian D’Arcey (CRESS)

Apologies: Paul Barton (Wigan MBC), Estelle Worthington (Friends of the Earth), John O’Neill (Greenheart), Mary Pennington (Wigan Archaeological Society), Avis Freeman (Leigh Soroptimists), Julie Clarke (Wigan MBC), Glenys McClellan (Leigh Family History Society), Alex Miller (Wigan MBC)

Minutes of last meeting: true and accurate

Matters arising:

Dave Shallcross inquired about the proposition that Adrian D’Arcy and the secretary attempt to arrange a series of meetings for various groups and parties interested in the Climate Emergency issue. Since that occurred before lock down, the entire issue of how we precede in future will have to be reviewed.

After a round of introductions and descriptions of the objectives of the various groups represented, a discussion was held regarding the possible direction Council might take.

Richard MacDonald informed the meeting that a Climate Change Coordinator has been recently employed. He will contact her and request she attend our next meeting to give a presentation regarding her role, if possible so early into her position.

Adrian D’Arcy suggested we consider ways to reach schools and colleges and would be willing to lead that discussion at the next meeting. Dave Shallcross said he would be willing to back Adrian up on that topic as his group already has direct input into local schools.

A discussion regarding the use of Zoom as opposed to traditional face-face-meetings took place. Julie Hotchkiss, who is very familiar with Zoom, demonstrated some of the format’s various capabilities for the newbies and it was agreed that, for the foreseeable future, all Environment & Heritage Network meetings will be held this way.

The E&H website has re-designed and that process will continue. Comments from the meeting were most favourable. The old address will redirect to the new address, which is wiganheritage.github.io

Next Meeting: June 1st online via Zoom (zoom.us/j/604767040) at 10.30 am.