Wigan Borough Environment & Heritage Network
Matters Arising. None.
Jenny Griggs updated those present with the many projects that Wildlife Trust
is engaged with.
Stuart Morris spoke at length about flood management and the pros and cons of
dealing with floods either by natural or traditional methods. Members then partook
in a picture exercise to help Stuart with his project.
Planning for Next Meeting.
The next meeting, 5th August, was to be held at the Town Hall but subsequent
to the meeting, the venue has been changed to our usual space - the Discovery
The purpose of this meeting is to compare strategy with ourselves and the CEO
plus two Councillors, regarding the Historic Heritage Strategy and the New Cultural
Members are requested to prepare for this meeting and ask members of their various
organisations for suggestions and input.
Members Reports:
Members requested to email in reports they wish including in the minutes.
Mary gave out copies of the latest Archaeology Society newsletters.
David reported that the Ornithological Society had recently featured on local
radio regarding Pennington Flash.
Next Meeting 5th August Discovery Room 10.30.