Wigan Borough Environment & Heritage Network

Meeting minutes

10.30 am April 1st 2019 at the Museum of Wigan Life
Avis Freeman (Leigh Soroptimists), Glenys McClellan (Leigh Family History Society), Bob Bruce (Astley Green Colliery), Richard Sivil (Atherton Heritage), John O’Neill (Greenheart), Mart Pennington (Wigan Archaeological Society), Eileen Walsh and Eileen Bithell (BETA).
Also present was Alison McKenzie-Folan, the new CEO of the council.
Joe Taylor (Billinge History Society)
Matters discussed
These were mostly about the council’s future plans and how the network can keep in touch and help implement them.
Alison told us
In September 2018 the council started asking what people want over the next 10 years what are their priorities? The key things were pride in towns and villages, making vibrant town centres, culture, heritage and leisure.
A cultural manifesto has been drawn up to launch in May which is a 5 year plan. A bid has gone to the Arts Council for projects.
There is to be an Environment officer
The council needs to link with us more, we agreed to have a workshop, instead of one of our meetings or as an extra, with some of the officers.
Eileen said we need an information office in a central place for visitors and locals.
Members’ News
Tom is back home from hospital via Alexandra Court.
Work hasn’t yet started on Leigh Town Hall.
John is working on a booklet on the origins of Wigan and finishing his local routes around Shevington.
Mary handed out the latest WAS newsletters and reminded everyone that they now meet at the Bellingham.