Wigan Borough Environment & Heritage Network

Meeting minutes

10.30 a.m. 13 April 2015 at Museum of Wigan Life


Peter Goodwin (Tradition Films), Derek Wilde (Wigan Family History Society), Ken Barston (Stubshaw Cross Residents Group), Avis Freeman (Leigh Soroptimists), John O’Neil (Greenheart), David Shallcross (Leigh Ornithological Society), Mark Champion (LWT).
Mary Pennington (Wigan Archaeology Society),Tom Price & Peter Taylor (Civic Trust), Joe Taylor (Billinge History Society), Geoff Jones (Astley Green Colliery Museum), Glenys McClellan & Marge Harrop (Leigh Family History Society), Richard Sivill (Atherton Heritage), Neil Forshaw (George Formby Society), (Leigh Family History Society), Jan Johnston (LENDF), Mandy Wellans-Bray (Orrell-Billinge Transition Town Group), Allan Roberts (RSPCB), Alex Miller (Wigan MBC)

Avis Freeman chaired and welcomed attendees to the meeting.

Minutes of the last meeting: True and accurate.

Presentation - Mark Champion. Mark reported that:
The Greenheart team remains strong thanks to input by John and Martin.
There is a drive for nature improvement schemes in Greater Manchester. The areas abounding the Manchester Ship Canal is receiving attention.
The post-industrial brown field sites are becoming increasingly important for habitats - willow-tits being a species in particular.
LWT are developing a £2.2 million bid. Input from the voluntary sector is needed.
There will be a loss of bird habitat from the proposed road from Marus Bridge to Westwood along the old railway line route.
Wigan has many small housing developments that could have more impact on biodiversity than one large development.

Other Business:

Ken gave an update on Stubshaw Cross and distributed a booklet about walks in that area.

Trust in Leigh should be aware that there will be an upgrading of paths along the canal at Leigh.

Various proposed developments around the Borough could have an impact of roads and wildlife corridors.

Date next meeting: 1st June 2015