Wigan Borough Environment & Heritage Network
10.30 a.m. April 8th 2013 at Tudor House, Hindley
Present - John O'Neill (Greenheart Partnership Board), Peter Goodwin (Tradition
Films), Avis Freeman (Leigh Soroptimists), Jackie Roberts (Bridleways), Richard
Sivill (Atherton Heritage), Glenys McClellan (Leigh Family History Society),
Jan Johnston (LENDF), Neil Forshaw (George Formby Society), Mary Pennington
(Wigan Archaeology Society), Ken Barston (Stubshaw Cross Residents Group),
Matt Holker (Greater Manchester Ecology Unit), Alison Thorpe & Sharon Sargent
(Hindley Market Ltd.)
Apologies - Joe Taylor (Billinge History Society), Marge Harrop (Leigh Family
History Society), Tom Price (Wigan Civic Trust), Dave Wilson (Bickershaw Conservation
The Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting
- New Past Forward is out now for April to July
- Kirkless site - Lancashire Wildlife Trust have advertised in the newspaper
for memories/reminiscences of people from when it was a working coal/iron works
(it closed in 1930)
- Wigan Archaeological Society have published their March/April newsletter
- St. Catherines Church in Scholes have had a replacement steeple put up with
the help of Heritage Lottery Money - the original was taken down for safety
- There was an article in the paper about the 52nd anniversary of George Formby's
- Museum of Wigan Life have new exhibition entitled 'Make It, Spin It, Can It'
about industry in the Borough.
- WLCT's Collection Policy - which Yvonne Webb came and spoke about at a previous
meeting - is now completed.
Presentation - by Matt Holker from Greater Manchester Ecology Unit
- The Greater Manchester Ecology Unit is part of the Greater Manchester Record
Centre and it advises Local Authorities about ecology and planning.
- Matt explained about 'Grey to Green' which is a three-year Heritage Lottery
funded project 'rediscovering the natural heritage of Greater Manchester.'
- 'Grey to Green' has three workers and covers 4 Boroughs - Wigan, Salford,
Manchester and Tameside.
- Volunteers are important for recording wildlife.
- Greater Manchester has its own Biodiversity Action Plan
- DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) have fund for Biodiversity
Recording. This money goes into the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) and
also to Natural England who then fund Local Record Centres (LRC).
- Records are useful for monitoring Climate Change.
- Greater Manchester Record Centre: encourages recording, provides a link between
local recorders and national network, pursues accurate records, has a role in
distributing/making available record data and information.
- Greater Manchester Breeding Bird Atlas is produced every 7 years recording
birds in Greater Manchester. It involves 300 individuals and 100,000 records.
- It's important to monitor protected sites and to monitor environmental improvements
and impacts.
- Protected sites can be at three levels: European level - SAC - Special Areas
of Conservation; National level - SSSI - Sites of Special Scientific Interest;
and Local level - SBI - Sites of Biological Importance. There are 500 SBIs across
Greater Manchester which cover on average 13-18% of land in Boroughs.
- Aims of Grey to Green:
Develop appreciation of natural environment
Pride in natural heritage
Increase number of people recording
Increase number of records submitted
Increase coverage and quality of data
Increase availability of data - eg on internet.
- Part of Matt's role is to go out and promote what 'Grey to Green' is doing
and spread the message.
- Matt asked people to support 'Grey to Green' project by using the website
(they're also on Facebook and Twitter), making records and submitting them to
Greater Manchester Local Record Centre's online system RODIS (Record Online
Data Input System), spread the word and get involved.
Jan Johnston - asked about illegal hare-coursing and killing deer.
Matt pointed out that the hare is a protected species whilst deer are not.
Presentation - by Alison Thorpe & Sharon Sargent from Hindley Market Ltd.
- Alison runs 'Lucky Hens' near Amberswood, which rescues chickens from battery
farms and gives them to people as pets, for eggs and for allotment holders.
In the 3 years that they've been going they've found new homes for 8,000 hens.
- Alison and Sharon are trying to re-establish Hindley Market as a community
market. Hindley Market Ltd is a CIC - Community Interest Company - ie not-for-profit.
- Part of the idea is to provide training and employment opportunities for a
range of people including People with Learning Difficulties and young offenders,
who could run stalls. SSE (School for Social Entrepreneurs) are running training
for people who want to run stalls. Market also gives opportunities for local
artisans/producers to sell their products.
- Holding a public meeting at Madisen Hall, Hindley on Tuesday 16th April.
- Hoping to have a market at Hindley around August Bank Holiday.
Minutes of last meeting - true and accurate.
Matters arising
- Linda Jackson has been appointed by WLCT (Wigan Leisure and Culture Trust)
as the replacement for Carole Tyldesley who was Head of Arts and Heritage Services.
Linda comes from the Leeds Armoury Museum and will have the title 'Director
of Exhibitions' - this won't be exactly the same responsibilities as Carole
Tyldesley had.
- Penny McGinty is the person in Wigan Council who liaises with WLCT and has
produced a new 'Leisure and Culture Strategy 2013- 2023' for the Council which
will guide its funding of WLCT. It places health and well-being as the top priority.
Councils have taken on extra responsibilities for public health as a result
of the abolition of Primary Care Trusts in the NHS.
- John explained the squeeze in Local Authority funding over the forthcoming
years. Many roles will be 'outsourced' and may be reduced in quality and scope.
The aim will be to 'do more with less'.
- John O'Neill reported on his meeting with Richard Sivill and Peter Goodwin
to discuss some future ideas for the Network to pursue. One idea was to bring
together information about the heritage and environment of individual local
areas to eventually compile comprehensive publicity about all the areas that
make up Wigan Borough. Greenheart could be the focus for this. For instance,
one approach might be leaflets saying 'Why I should go to ….Kirkless, Low
Hall, Pennington Flash, Haigh Hall etc. Leaflets are only one way the information
could be disseminated. Also booklets, internet, DVD etc. This is obviously a
big job and will take some time. One area could be selected first as a pilot
to produce the 'tale of an area'. Meeting agreed in principle that this was
a good idea.
- People in meeting commented that information about walks in Wigan Borough
are not also easy to find even though they do exist. Some are on Wigan Council
Planning Department's website. Some are produced through WLCT's Active Living
walks programme.
Next Meeting:
Monday 20th May - 10.30am at Tudor House, Hindley