Wigan Borough Environment & Heritage Network

Meeting minutes

10.30 a.m. January 14th 2012 at Tudor House, Hindley

Present - John O'Neill (Greenheart Partnership Board), Joe Taylor - Billinge History Society, Avis Freeman (Leigh Soroptimists), Jackie Roberts (Bridleways), Richard Sivill (Atherton Heritage), Glenys McClellan & Marge Harrop (Leigh Family History Society), Geoff Jones (Astley Green Colliery Museum), Tom Price (Wigan Civic Trust), Neil Forshaw (George Formby Society), Peter Goodwin (Tradition Films), Allan Roberts (RSPB), Marry Pennington (Wigan Archaeology Society)

Apologies - Jan Johnston (LENDF), Vince French (Atherton), Peter Taylor (Wigan Civic Trust), Dave Wilson (Bickershaw Conservation Group), David Shallcross (Leigh Ornithological Society/Chowbent Chapel), Ken Barston (Stubshaw Cross Residents Group), Tony Bishop (Leigh Ornithological Society,

The Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting


· John to write to Tony Hilton offering our congratulations on his recognition by the Vatican for his contribution to heritage.
· The Greenheart and Wigan in Bloom art and photographic competition will be combined
· The Celebration Evening features in the current edition of Past Forward.
· Wigan Archaeology Society - Newsletter is available
· Articles about George Formby and Winstanley Hall in the Wigan Observer
· Network Posters for library displays were handed out
· Article about Leigh Theater Royal in Lancashire History Quarterly
· Scouts association been contacted re Waterloo Monument for supprot

Minutes of the last meeting: true and accurate

Matters Arising:

Mesnes Park Restoration is expected to be completed this summer.

Presentation by Richard Sivill on the First World War:

Richard gave an outline of the broader issues regarding the First World War and in particular how it related to the residents of Wigan. With the loss of positions at Wigan & Leisure Trust due to cuts in the Council budget future exhibitions at the Museum of Wigan Life is uncertain. Richard will liaise with WL&CT and Glenys McClellan on the position regarding WW1.

Presentation by Peter Goodwin - Latest DVD:

Peter has produced a DVD about Shevington with Lower Ground which covers the history of the five distinct communities that make up the present day Shevington and a portrait of the area today, which will be a historical resource of future generations..

He showed selected clips from the DVD, which has a running time of 90 minutes.

Any Other Business:

Avis spoke about the need for us to be on the lookout for Ash dieback and to report any sightings. She also spoke about the problems caused by mink, which are more widespread than Pennington Flash. She suggested that those people interested in volunteering for wildlife projects should contact Mall Holker via this website http://www.mlp.manchester.ac.uk/volunteering/studentled/wildlife.php

Geoff Jones reported that the headgear survey has been completed and the next stage will be to secure the necessary funding.

Next Meetings:

25th February, 8th April, 20th May